Wednesday, February 22, 2012

In a Long Distance Relationship? The Cheapest Date You'll Ever ...

By Dee | February 20, 2012

Enjoy this guest post by Lauren Bailey and visit her site to let her know you saw her on Frugal Fancy!

Photo courtesy FlickrLong distance relationships are not only hard to maintain but they can be extremely expensive. Unless you have vast amounts of cash to spend on flights and fuel, you?ll be lucky enough to see your long distance boyfriend or girlfriend once every two months. But keeping interactions so far and in between and sharing less experiences together is what ultimately causes most long distance couples to call it quits?the spark just fades into oblivion. There is a way that long distance couples can keep the interest going however: have a weekly date night.

I know what you?re thinking, how can we enjoy each other?s company thousands of miles apart? Thanks to new waves of technology, quite simply actually. Most couples already use free online video chatting services like Skype and Oovoo to be able to see their sweetheart?s face, but instead of using the software to chit chat, you can use it for date night as well.

This is how it works: every week, you and your significant other alternate who gets to pick out a DVD rental as well as what will be eaten for dinner. Each individual rents or downloads the movie agreed upon as well as orders or makes the dinner that was selected. Log-on to the video chatting software of your choice once you?ve gathered everything and start by sitting and eating at the table. The both of you will be eating the exact same meal and can talk about each other?s day, just as if the two of you were at a real restaurant.

Later on you transition to the movie portion of the date, and start the film at the exact same time. This is a really fun activity to do since you can both see each other?s reactions to specific parts in the film and can ask each other questions without disrupting a silent theatre filled with other people.

Of course there can be variants of these kinds of dates: you can also choose to watch the same exact show together on TV at the same time. Or to make it a little bit more exciting, the both of you can organize ?themed? date nights were the movie and dinner correlate with one another.

Always remember that if you want to really treat your date, you could also order food for them. There are several places that allow you to place orders online?as long as you have your date?s address and you know that the restaurant is in his or her area, you can have something delivered (like a pre-paid pizza for example) sent to your date?s door.

There are several other ways that you can have dates and ?shared experiences? for hardly any cost at all; you just have to get creative with it.

Lauren Bailey regularly writes for accredited online colleges. She welcomes your comments at her email ID: blauren99

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