Saturday, February 11, 2012

Video: Early C-sections pose respiratory risks, study says

There has been a rise in the number of C-sections performed in the U.S. in recent years, and now the federal government and the March of Dimes are working to prevent babies from being removed from the womb before they?re ready to be born. NBC?s Nancy Snyderman reports.

>>> in health news tonight, an issue we've been covering. the increase of the number of births by c-section in recent years. the federal government is weighing in to try to prevent as many unnecessary c-sections as they can. our chief medical editor dr. nancy snyderman is here with us. in our lifetimes, we watched this go from being surgery to an elective alternative for some women.

>> it started today because a study looked at the importance of perhaps doing c-sections on fetuses 34 weeks or less not growing. the idea if you could get baby out of the womb into an incubator those babies that weren't growing well would, in fact, do better. now it's the jumping point for a larger conversation. that conversation is this. that more and more women are having c-sections. why? sometimes it has to do with the fact because we have more in vitro fertilization, we are seeing more multiple babies that require c-sections. and there's also something called convenience. a term called too posh to push. women who don't want to go through a delivery. the possible pain with the vaginal deliveries.

>> the bottom line of this news today was a risk to the child?

>> that's right. most of the time we think about c-section risks as being to the mother. not so. when a baby passes through the birth canal those contractions that a mom feels forces the water out of the lung. it's like squeezing a sponge. in a c-section, sometimes that water doesn't get out, leads to respiratory distress. if babies come out too early, it can lead to feeding problems, jaundies and brain development . the march of dimes weighed in, a lot of doctors. if you need a c-section, of course you get a c-section. that's when you talk to your doctor, but for many women, if it's convenience or a way out, remember, there is no better incubator than the womb. that usually provides for a healthier baby and healthier mom.


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