Thursday, February 14, 2013

HerWay Home Program for Pregnant Women and New Mothers in ...

New program addresses maternal alcohol and drug use with a range of services under one roof

After six years of planning and research by a volunteer committee of 30 experts, community organizations, advocates and educators, the HerWay Home program began working with women and children on January 7, 2013.

Located in the James Bay Community Project, HerWay Home is?a child-focused, women-centred, family-oriented drop-in and outreach program for pregnant women and new moms with substance use challenges and their children.

Women do not need a referral to access the program. The program expects to work with about 70 women in the first year and 100 to 150 in the second year. Currently, there are four staff members who support women accessing a range of services to meet their individual needs. Services include meals during drop-in hours, grocery store food vouchers, health care during and after pregnancy, alcohol, drug and mental-health support, and parenting support.

Read the press release (February 8, 2013) from the Children?s Health Foundation of Vancouver Island here. Check out the news coverage New Victoria program helps new moms with addictions (Cindy E. Harnett, Feb 7, 2013).

For more on HerWay Home, see earlier post: Herway Home ?one-stop access? program in Victoria set to?open (May 20, 2012).

Learn more about the development of HerWay Home and similar programs across Canada in?Supporting Pregnant and Parenting Women Who Use Substances: What Communities Are Doing to Help by members of the Canada FASD Research Network.




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