Friday, February 8, 2013

Video: Top spy pick to face questions on drones

>>> welcome back. new revelations about the obama administration's controversial use of drone strikes are expected to be central topic in the confirmation hearing for tomorrow. they obtained and argue that government can kill americans believed to be top al qaeda leader who is pose an imminent threat to the united states . the senator hinned at a possible filibuster of the confirmation saying he will pull out all the stops to get the analysis. house intelligence chairman told andrea mitchell he is behind the program.

>> the legal basis of this goes back many, many years. what they were saying is once you made that choice, you no longer get the protects you would. if you joined the enemy overseas, you joined the enemy.

>> joining me live, editor do min coe, you noted that this may actually be an issue of more democrats coming out and expressing their dissatisfaction with the drone program and that was earlier saying he is completely fine with the program.

>> right. you heard them earlier today say at the democratic retreat in annapolis he would keep all options on the table about what to do about the nomination. that would entered a filibuster. he wants all the documents to be presented. one senator can't hold up a nomination. it's like a bluff. you have to say you have enough votes to filibuster this. it's not that it's clear that's the case, but he will get a lot of tough questions on this.

>> most of those, are we expecting them to come from democrats?

>> yeah. the only statement from a republican i had seen walling for more do you means was on john on the did you dishiary committee that will be questioning him. you may see a couple of republicans get in on this to ask questions on it. democrats, some democrats are concerned that they wonder what kind of precedent it could set in the future. they are not worried about president obama and another president could do or how to change this. there is a lot of that is coming from the left.

>> as far as the tone tomorrow and what we really can expect to see, how much of the conversation do you believe will be dominated by the drone topic? i ask that because as note and we discussed this yesterday regarding the first read team's analys analysis, you have the public divide and you say these are bad guys and this is what happened. how will that dominate some of the rhetoric that we often see in these hearings from lawmakers who know they are on camera and know the constituents are watching.

>> there is a lot of lawmakers who are going to have the questions in the back of their mind. there was a poll conducted by "the washington post " and abc show being 83% of people approved of the use of drones as long as it is done overseas and more concerns about the program for privacy if this was used for catching people who speed or to track criminals. they don't want to see that used within the united states . there could be some of that. the other question that john will have to be asked about is the use of torture . remember in 2009 , he was rumored to be the top pick back then and subt scuttled because of the use of enhanced interrogation techniques as the bush administration called it. what he knew about that. that will also be a dominant factor.

>> the hearing is set to start around 2:30 in the middle of "news nation." we will carry it for you.


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