Monday, November 26, 2012

Winning Solo Ezine Ad Campaigns | Start Your Own Business ...

It is smart marketing to have a diverse advertising portfolio, and that is exactly why you need to seriously look at ezine advertising. For so many years a certain percentage of marketers have known the value of traffic that can be had with this. This method uses a principle that is prevalent in other methods, leveraging, but it still does it in a unique way. Any time you run advertising, you must ensure you know what you are doing. So obviously your ads will have a better conversion rate if you attend to that fact. Aside from writing winning ads, you should know a few things about the process of using this particular vehicle which is the solo ezine ad campaign. We are willing to bet that if you took a poll asking how many web marketers run real optimization tests, the percentage would be shockingly low. That is most crucial when trying new techniques much like what you are reading today about visit this site. Well, one thing that is good news is if you have just arrived to internet marketing you can learn more about testing and have a leg up on many competitors.

It is all too easy to have a sense of excitement early on and want to get things going, but that can cause you to overlook small but important details. Therefore what you should consider is carefully rolling-out anything new you want to try. How ever you wish to design your tests, and in what manner of delivery is entirely your call.

The same with new tactics for your website or blog, perhaps try it on some of your pages but not all of them. No discussion about testing would be complete without mentioning how critical tracking is so you can have metrics to analyze.

Unfortunately we always have to remind people to make sure their ads evade the spam filter. It?s really easy to get blocked by the strong spam filters out there. If your ad has all the wrong words in it, then that will most likely be disastrous for your campaign; you will not be happy. If your ezine ad allows you to create a subject line, then the same consideration applies to that, as well. You should also scan through the body of your email to check if it?s fine. Avoiding problems is in the best interest of your company; not only that but you do want to make it. There are tons of place on the web that will check it for free.

The purpose of any ad in an email is to make a conversion, which is not a sale, it is the simple act of clicking the link in that email. Then your destination will need to take over from that point on, but it is your ad that also must logically flow into it. Giving people a reason to take some kind of action on the landing page is obviously a concern, as well.

When it comes to proper ad format, you will need to follow the direction of the ezine. All you need to do is follow the instructions given to you by the ezine, and that will work out just fine. Your ad will probably be sent in HTML format, so you will need to make sure it is coded right. Remember, too, that you are trusting the ezine owner when it comes to the quality of the list, etc. If you need help with actually writing a solid ad, then we recommend you learn copywriting principles. Getting the right kind of traffic is one of the biggest challenges for any online business. The advantage of ezine solo ads is that it?s possible to get high converting traffic in a short time. A well written ad in the best possible ezine is always a winning combination. Once you get these basics right, there?s absolutely no looking back. Compared to other forms of advertising, ezine ads can be very economical and profitable. What?s holding you back? Make plans to begin your next ezine solo ad campaign.

Related posts:

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  2. Writing Effective Ad Copy For PPC
  3. 5 sure ways to make money online with affiliate marketing without owning a website
  4. Facebook Advertising for New Marketers ? Should You?


Posted by writers-den on November , 2012. Filed under Guest Posts. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry


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