Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Celebrity Apprentice ? Trump Fires Sulu!

“Shields…, SHIELDS!? Who can forget George Takei shouting those orders as Captain Sulu, commander of the U.S.S. Excelsior in the film, “STAR TREK: Generations”? But alas, George had no deflector shields to protect him from Donald Trump in Episode 3 of this season?s “Celebrity Apprentice”. Perhaps the better Takei quote would be his patented, “Oh My!” But in the true tradition of courage and grace under fire, obviously acquired during the Kobyashi Maru exercise at Star Fleet Academy, George Takei went down with his ship and assumed full responsibility for the loss by the men?s team. George Takei had a rough night in the boardroom as Donald Trump fired him from Celebrity Apprentice. Image Credit: Josiah True / Wenn.com. This week?s task was to help showcase Ivanka Trump?s new line of fashion. The teams were assigned to create window displays to show off the full range of clothes and accessories. Model Dayana Mendoza led the ladies? team and Takei was the men?s Project Manager. George immediately divided the team into two groups, one led by Adam Corolla to handle the construction while George takes Clay Aiken, Penn Jillette and Arsenio Hall to Lord & Taylor to pick out clothing and [...]

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RightCelebrity/~3/LKzBFs73erw/

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